county saddlery  
Jumping Saddles


Whether riding Hunters or Show Jumpers, we all want flowing strides, rounder backs, tighter tucks, easy bends and for sure, more consistent rounds. If you're not getting that the problem may not be you or your horse, but it very well may be your saddle. If your horse doesn't like to be tacked, bucks on landing, has trouble picking up leads, has a sore back or irregular gaits, it may very well be your saddle. Can a saddle really make that big a difference? Try an Xtreme and you may remove the doubt along with the problems. 


The quality alternative to synthetic jumping saddles. Feel how much easier it is for your horse to recover his stride after landing and have a more consistent pace. The Solution® features an elongated balance point to allow riders to find their perfect balance over any fence. All County saddles are handcrafted using the World’s finest leather, laminated beechwood trees for feel and comfort and flocked with 100% pure wool (no preformed synthetics). See what an incredible difference natural makes.


County’s new Sensation® jumping saddle is specifically designed to provide comfort and clearance for high narrow withers like no other saddle in the world. The Sensation® is available in wider tree sizes with options to custom fit any shape horse and rider with the same great results! The difference for your horse can be amazing. The ride for you will be Sensational!


Why will you love the Innovation™? If you are an instructor you will love how it puts your students leg in just the right place so they remain balanced like never before. If you are an international competitor you will love how your horse uses himself like never before. If you are a horse you will love not being in pain every time you’re tacked up. Innovation™, you will love it!

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